Wednesday, June 30, 2010

MaGnifYing MiRRoR

Good Day Love! Sweet Dreams?? No cavities I hope! ::giggles:: The weather is mighty gloomy in South Lew-si-an (Louisiana) buuuut my day is Delightful!

Treasure of the day: Magnifying Glass!

I came upon a magnifying glass at work today. I curiously examined different objects with it as if it were a new toy! Moving it around at different angles, placing it near and far away from different objects I realized…

Look closely into a magnifying glass and it becomes a mirror…

You can see more by looking into the glass at different angles…

Light can destroy your vision…

Stay focused...

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog post! I frequently choose 7 – 10x magnifying, That’s sufficient to me.
