Good Day Readers!
This Lovely Morning, Me & My Hair Struck a Deal… You do your thing and I’ll do my thing!
Recall, I mentioned a month or so ago that I am transitioning [growing out my natural hair meaning no more relaxers for me]. I must admit, this is no walk in the park. Lately, I’ve been going through an identity crisis… Feeling anxious, insecure and uncertain about myself because I’ve been trying to control my hair to conform to social norms [straight, not so kinky hair] when it doesn’t want to be conformed!!! It has been almost 5 months since I put a relaxer so there are imperfect kinks and curls everywhere… some places more kinky, frizzy, curly, and/or straight than others. It has been stressing me out that my hair has not and will not conform, therefore, I have been seriously considering turning back and putting a relaxer…. Until I leaned upon a dear line sister of mine [Keedy] for support, as I always do! She should have a label on her that says, “Satisfaction Guarantee” because I am always inspired following my conversations, well alright, moreso COMPLAINTS to her regarding hair!
She often reminds me that “It’s Just Hair!” Ha, “Easier said than done!” is always my riposte… until today! I get it… IT IS just hair! I am NOT my hair and actually, I WOULD much prefer my imperfect kinky, frizzy, curly tresses!!! I am growing through this hair experience… I am learning to be and let be!
In my humble opinion, There is a part of us all that wants to control… Being in control is powerful, safe and comforting... Letting go of control is also powerful, safe and comforting! The difference is the Ego! Being in control is Great for the Ego… Letting go of Control is Great for the mind, body and soul! I’ll take mind, body and soul for $300 please!
To make things more interesting, I’ve personified this little thing we call control…
There is a tribe of TROLLS called CON from the land of EGOrium! In the land of EGOrium, the CON TROLL tribe consists of only Giant and Dwarf sized trolls! These trolls are half beast and half human. They are mean, ugly cons and have exaggerated facial features! Beware -- These monsters feed off of sugar, doubt, fast foods, arrogance, salt and anxiety! You can destroy your troll once you identify it (it’s size, name, food(s) of choice and facial features). Generally, trolls have an aversion to questioning and light! I am still working on the destruction of my CON TROLL! Her name is Betsy, she’s a dwarf troll and she absolutely loves to pig out on my hesitation, ice cream, communication skills and insecurities!
"Many people spend the majority of their lives attempting to control circumstances because they believe that in the controlling of the circumstance, they will feel better. But no matter how much control they gain over the actions of others, it is never enough - because there is always another uncontrollable circumstance.
You have no creative power within the lives of others, for they are offering their own vibrations, which equal their own point of attraction, just as you are offering your own vibrations, which equal your own point of attraction."
- Esther Hicks, Page 135 from her awesome book "Ask and it is Given".